Sunday, January 31, 2016

FEB 1, 2016: LEI: SHE / ME

This isn't my first post on here, but because I haven't fully unveiled this to anyone until now, this will serve as our introduction to each other. I am Leigh (lay) and this is my blog.

I'm a 20-something year old California transplant currently residing in NYC. I play the role of a designer by day and live as an extraterrestrial in my spare time. I'm driven by beauty and this is in large part due to the fact that my ruling planet is Venus. But of course, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I am not here to dictate what beauty is to you.

A heap of lovely ideas have been floating around in my mind lately and in time, I will share them on this platform. I've been fortunate enough to be surrounded by truly wonderful and talented minds and they have all been gracious enough to help me execute these ideas. I am especially honored to be able to call these beautiful souls my friends and I can't wait to introduce them all to you.

So, with that, please stick around. Tell a friend. Grab a drink, grab a glass. But unlike Kanye, I promise I won't grab your ass...

...unless you want me to. ;)